National Recruiting Expertise in Commercial Real Estate


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Recruiting is Like Learning to Run | Hiring Lessons from Training for a Half-Marathon


I recently hit the 8-mile mark in my training plan for my first half-marathon, and with 90+ minutes of thinking time it hit me - this journey I’m on parallels that of my clients, companies I’ve worked for, and anyone looking to hire in today’s competitive talent market.

Here are the lessons as I see them:

1.     Begin with the End in Mind

When I felt the urge to run, I needed a goal to chase.  I decided on a half-marathon because I knew it would be challenging yet still attainable, and I chose a race in November that allowed several months to train.  I spent time reflecting on why I wanted to run, and I continue to envision crossing the finish line, feeling stronger, fitter, and healthier than ever before.   

If you’re looking to hire, start by determining what success looks like, and clarifying your vision for the role.  Focus on how this person will impact the business, what they will bring to the table, and your value proposition to attract them.  Clarifying this information can also make a compelling job description and help get your internal team on the same page regarding what’s really important.   

Even if you’re hiring in advance of a need, set a goal for when you’d like the person to join the team.  Start thinking about onboarding and training, and factor in a reasonable ramp-up period for them to tackle the learning curve and become a full-fledged contributor.

2.     Formulate a Strategy 

I don’t drive somewhere I’ve never been before without my GPS.  Similarly, I didn’t start training without getting advice from people I trusted who had expertise in running half-marathons, doing my own research, and building a plan that worked for me. 

An experienced recruiting partner – whether internal, external, or both – is an invaluable resource in creating an effective strategy.  Ask yourself:

·      What disruption might be occurring with your competitors or in your market that could create a unique recruiting opportunity? 

·      How will you engage with candidates who aren’t actively on the market?

·      Where can you most effectively advertise?

·      What does your interview process look like?

·      Who are the decision makers internally? 

The answers to these questions will help you create a well-crafted plan to achieve your recruiting goals. 

3.     Improvise, Adapt, Overcome

I’ve had a few injuries, travel, and life to contend with; training, like recruiting, is not always a linear path.  The most valuable things I’ve learned in this season of life is to be flexible, take pain (and delight) as feedback, and to be persistent. 

Feedback is everything.  It helps you to assess your employer brand in the marketplace, the experience you provide to those in the interviewing/hiring/onboarding stages with your firm, and how you are perceived by your competition. 

Another great aspect of working with a recruiting partner is the real-time insight they can provide you.  The best recruiters are having conversations with candidates from your industry daily and can give you valuable intelligence to inform and improve your approach. 

A quick story –

I brought a successful broker with 10+ years’ experience to the table from the top firm in the country, and although the candidate had an offer, he was hesitant to sign. 

In digging deeper, I learned that the candidate was concerned that the local market leader had been “hard selling” him and it came across as inauthentic.  After my coaching conversation with the market leader, he took a decidedly more personal approach with the candidate, and the candidate accepted the offer shortly afterward. 

The candidate would have never shared this information directly with the market leader.  Having someone that he trusted as a partner in navigating the recruiting process helped him overcome his hesitation and improve his relationship with his future leader.

There are many more lessons ahead of me, and I look forward to sharing them with you on my road to 13.1! 

In the meantime, if you’d like to discuss running, recruiting, or anything in between, I’d love to hear from you.  You can reach me at

About Me:

Allison possesses over 10 years’ experience in full-cycle recruiting, human resources, operations, project management, marketing, and public relations.  She has successfully recruited hundreds of commercial real estate professionals, resulting in consistent multimillion-dollar annual revenue growth.

About CRE Recruiting: 

CRE Recruiting, Inc. was founded in 2019 with the core belief that people are at the heart of commercial real estate. 

We partner with commercial real estate leaders in brokerage, development, mortgage banking, REITs, principal investment, and service providers to strategically grow their businesses through talent acquisition. We take pride in connecting skilled CRE professionals with opportunities to take their careers to the next level.

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